Ariadna precious and semi precious gem stones Ariadna precious and semi precious gem stones Ariadna precious and semi precious gem stones Ariadna precious and semi precious gem stones Ariadna precious and semi precious gem stones Ariadna precious and semi precious gem stones

Ariadna Gem Stones Collection

Ariadna gem stones Tanzanite


Tanzanite is a very pretty gemstone. Its colors range from green to purple to blue. Most people desire the deep blue variety which has purple around it.
Ariadna gem stones Tashmarine Diopside

Tashmarine Diopside

Tashmarine Diopside is a brilliant yellow-green gemstone discovered in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Western China.
Ariadna gem stones Tiger's Eye Matrix

Tiger's Eye Matrix

Tiger's Eye Matrix contains tiger's-eye-like structures that alternate with iron oxide layers.
Ariadna gem stones Variscite


Variscite contains traces of chromium. It is of high quality and is used for carvings and jewelry.
Ariadna gem stones Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye is a light tan macrocrystalline quartz. Its stripes can appear to be uneven because of the structural fibers.
Ariadna gem stones Tourmaline


Tourmaline is found in every color. This gemstone can be light or dark and often contains more than one color in the same stone.
Ariadna gem stones Topaz


Topaz is a hard gemstone. The blue topaz is favored by many. However, it comes in many hues.
Ariadna gem stones Zircon


Zircon is brilliant in color and is enjoyed by many.
Ariadna gem stones Turquiose


Turquoise, the blue cousin to lapis lazuli, has been known and valued for thousands of years. The early mines in Sinai, Egypt, were already worked out in 2000 B.C.
Ariadna gem stones Tsavorite Garnet

Tsavorite Garnet

This garnet is a beautiful green and was discovered in the wilderness between Tanzania and Kenya.
Ariadna gem stones Verdite


Verdite is a spotted light to dark green serpentine.. Most are found in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
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